In The Many Saints of Newark, aka The Sopranos prequel movie, Dickie Moltisanti presents his teenaged protégé Tony Soprano with a gift of stolen speakers. Soprano, a rock music fan who envisions his future outside of organized crime, is reticent to accept. He gives in after his mentor advises, "You take the speakers, right? At the same time, you promise yourself these speakers are it. Now, you say to yourself, 'This is the last time I’m ever gonna steal something.' And you stick to it. It’s that simple." (That's not a spoiler; it's in the trailer.)
So today's the last time I'm ever going to write about Facebook. Fingers crossed that approach turns out better for me than for Tony Soprano.
Plus, the finale of streaming UX/UI reviews with HBOMax, Hulu and Netflix, and some links.
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