Content Pros Update is a free, monthly recap newsletter of all goings-on from The Content Technologist. It is distributed on Substack, Medium, LinkedIn Newsletters, and to monthly subscribers of The Content Technologist on roughly the third Tuesday of every month.
It's been a while since we sent our social/recap newsletter, but we've finally cleared enough room in the workflow to restart this overview so we can save room in our weekly Thursday newsletters for our best content.
In brief, here's everything going on so far in 2024 from The Content Technologist:
- Our brand new Courses subdomain is up and running and will be the home for our library of content strategy courses for the foreseeable future. We're busy populating that library with content!
- New courses! We've launched our first in a series of new content strategy courses, together called The Content Strategy Expansion Pack.
- More than (key)Words: Audience research for brilliant business-building content - Available now! Discounted pricing available until June 15.
- Your content is your marketing: Content-driven organic growth for brand-builders, publishers, newsletterers, and algorithm skeptics - Launching June 30 and available for discount preorder now
- Measuring content performance: Content analytics to help you understand your audience - launching September 30
- Impactful content strategy: Planning for future content with resources and data you have now - launching December 30
Limited preorders available: Get all four courses (and start More than (key)Words today!) for a deep discount here. Limited to the first 30 orders. Perks and benefits for these early adopters on their way.
- What's Good?: A forever portal to submit your favorite links: software you can't live without, articles that get your brain moving, websites that excite, your stuff, others' stuff, you name it. Share what's good on the internet. If we think our audience would like it, we'll share.
- Podcast appearances: I've been on a couple of 'casts this year. Check 'em out:
- What's In Your Knowledge Graph? I hosted this webinar on April 30. More coming soon! There's a little audio mixup in the recording, but start around here, and it gets good.
- Content Strategy Insights with Larry Swanson
- Mind Your Own Marketing Business with Joe Barsness from Fjorge
- And finally... highlights from the weekly newsletter
"Audiences unfamiliar with the nuances of the medium will not see the discrepancy between how the computer automates content and how a professional would construct a similar product. But I see the shorthand in the process, and I'm frustrated that I have to learn a new way of doing things and correct a machine's—or a CEO's—mistakes. The software company did not build with experienced users in mind."
More from the newsletter:
"Digital-first companies believe they can hack their way around or disrupt the realities of human content production. Performance-oriented digital marketing and content companies will often hire senior editors with a background in journalism, only to find that the journalist’s honed skills in fact-checking and editorial quality control can be an impediment to productivity and, thus, revenue generation.
"The company doesn’t scope for the journalist’s actual skills. And the journalist will back away from learning about the business requirements because their professional education insisted that business and content were separate endeavors; or push back on audience research, suggesting that the audience’s needs were secondary to the production of quality information or news."
"In the past decade or so of content marketing and web self-publishing, many businesses ignored the idea phase of content, focusing only on the immediate outcomes (traffic or revenue) and giving little thought to brand reputation.
But when we publish content on behalf of a business — for any reason at all — we are always making an argument. We are always floating an idea for our audience to accept or reject. Otherwise, why are we speaking if we do not have something to say?"
"Content strategy defines why, how, where, and for whom a company creates content. It comprises the activities that connect business goals with audience (aka consumer, customer, user, or client) needs, defines content’s purpose in an organization, and specifies the conditions that make content successful."
Upcoming events:
Our summer calendar is coming together. Here's what we have planned, with more details on their way next month:
- Virtual event - late June - Content Strategy Meetup Australia
- Minneapolis content analytics workshop with MIMA - August 15, 2024 - more info coming soon!
Revised media kit:
Advertise with us! We've revised our media kit for the remainder of 2024. Get your product in front of content strategy leaders at brands, agencies, vendors, and other organizations that publish content. Become one of our first toolkit sponsors.
Join the Content Strategy Expansion Pack
Level up your methods for the generative AI era with four skill-based self-paced courses, with bespoke recommended toolkits and 1:1 support.
Preorder the Expansion Pack todayThe Content Technologist is a newsletter and consultancy based in Minneapolis, working with clients and collaborators around the world. The entire newsletter is written and edited by Deborah Carver, independent content strategy consultant, speaker, and educator.
Advertise with us | Manage your subscription
Affiliate referrals: Ghost publishing system | Bonsai contract/invoicing | The Sample newsletter exchange referral | Writer AI Writing Assistant
Cultural recommendations / personal social: Spotify | Instagram | Letterboxd | PI.FYI