Hello, new subscribers and old! We're publishing a couple of original essays before the end of the year, but this week we want to share what we've been working hard on for the past few months.
But if you want to revisit the archives, check out:
My 2023 Wrapped was good, but maybe it didn't reach as far with genres and moods.
Our cohort will dive into updates for audience acquisition strategy for sure.
Build satisfying digital experiences for clients: Introducing the Expansion Pack
In 2024 we're launching a cohort-based educational program for agencies and independent content strategists who want to the master theory, practice, business, and craft of publishing digital content. The program is everything we've been writing about in The Content Technologist for the past four years. Ultimately, we want to support both agencies and independent content strategists in improving their business, while improving digital experiences for their audiences.
The Digital Content Strategy Expansion Pack is a 12-month program that combines virtual workshops, email courses, and face time with experienced consultants. It's designed to be cumulative and holistic, tapping into the insights of leading practitioners who are actually doing the work, rather than social media pundits. And it's built for collaboration and whole team participation — because we know that great content doesn't happen in a silo.
Participants will be listed as preferred vendors on The Content Technologist website and featured in the newsletter and other planned virtual events throughout 2024.
Our list of collaborators and expert consultants will be released in late December, but we assure you: we're collaborating with the best in the bunch.
Our courses and virtual workshops start in late January, and participation is limited to digital marketing, creative, and development agencies, as well as self-employed content strategists who serve multiple clients each year.
The first cohort is optimized for the Americas – but international versions of the program are on the way later in 2024. We're also planning a version of the curriculum for in-house content strategists and brands, so stay tuned.
Interested in learning more about the cohort? Submit your info with the forms below (or just reply to this email).
- Digital agencies: Request info
- Self-employed content strategists: Request info

Why the Expansion Pack?
We believe that red herrings are everywhere in digital content, including "it all changes so fast, we can't keep up" or "no one knows what works with digital algorithms" or even "AI will take our jobs." To emojify our reaction: 🙄
But we don't roll our eyes without offering workable solutions. We recognize that we live in a changing world, and we know that many content "strategies" taught in schools and advocated by early digital marketing experts don't work as well as they used to. We have adapted our approach to the new digital environment — and we'll share our approach and methodologies with the 2024 cohort.
Our unique approach combines methodologies from publishing and digital marketing, taking what works from both to create long-lasting content success. And it's designed to help your whole team, not just one or two experts, so that your business can succeed sustainably.
When we look at audience and revenue data (which we have been doing on behalf of clients for years), digital content strategies that work measurably and reliably follow the same principles and plans over time, even when tactics and platforms shift.
In the Digital Content Strategy Expansion Pack program, we'll share what we've learned. We'll help you sort out the fact from the hype and connect you with other digital leaders, all while convincing clients that owned digital content is a fantastic investment.
Why should you participate in the Expansion Pack?
- Content can be a hard sell to clients. It's a long game, and results can take years to build. But we know how to position your digital content services so your clients see the return on investment sooner rather than later—all while keeping operations profitable.
- Great digital experiences are few and far between these days, but that doesn't mean they're impossible to build. Well-structured owned content has a higher chance of standing out online than ever before, if it's created methodically, with digital distribution in mind.
- We've been practicing in digital strategy for more than a decade, and what works in content strategy hasn't changed radically, despite the dances of billionaires, hypebeasts, and media companies. We know because we measure the results.
- Most agencies and self-employed content producers are strong in some areas, but need support in others. For example, many agencies are great at production but struggle to reliably measure success. Others are great at strategy but haven't nailed style. We'll make sure your offering as an agency or as an individual is well-rounded, and connect you with partners who can help you where your business needs it most.
- We believe that digital experiences, particularly those facilitated through web, email, and other owned channels, still create powerful connection with audiences. And we believe that those audiences can support sustainable online businesses and brands, as long as they stick with it.
In our cohort-based Expansion Pack program, we'll learn together what works across channels — including how to pitch your work, develop strategy, produce content, and prove return on investment to clients.
Check out curriculum details and pricing by clicking the button below.
And if you enroll before December 15, you'll receive 10% off for the entirety of 2024.
Enrollment is limited, so submit the interest form today to reserve your spot.
- Digital agencies: Request info
- Self-employed content strategists: Request info
And if you're a brand interested in sponsoring this exclusive cohort of agencies and professionals committed to building the best in digital experiences, reply to this email and let's chat.
The Content Technologist a company based in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, and around the world. We publish weekly and monthly newsletters.
- Publisher: Deborah Carver
- Managing editor: Wyatt Coday
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Affiliate referrals: Ghost publishing system | Bonsai contract/invoicing | The Sample newsletter exchange referral | Writer AI Writing Assistant
Did you read? is the assorted content at the very bottom of the email. Cultural recommendations, off-kilter thoughts, and quotes from foundational works of media theory we first read in college—all fair game for this section.
In which we bid farewell to Shane McGowan.