Don't let bad content and shoddy strategy sink your digital agency.
Expand and white label your agency's content strategy program for more consistent (and profitable) results:
Enter The Content Technologist's Data Differentiator agency upgrade.
It's hard to make content a profitable part of your digital agency business. In the 2020s, it's widely acknowledged that SEO or social media methods that worked last decade are no longer reliable when generating results. It's also true that:
- High-quality expert digital content is expensive to develop.
- Without human intervention, AI-generated content produces more filler that regurgitates every other similar piece of content on the web.
- Creative storytelling strategies that ignore algorithmic distribution systems don't always find their target audience.
If you get the content wrong, no amount of software can repair the damage to your client's digital business. Even the most impressively designed websites can't rise above stodgy, unoriginal or outdated content strategies.
Because of this uncertainty, many digital marketing and development agencies have abandoned content production entirely, leaving it in their clients' hands to find another partner or figure out for themselves how words and images fit into the website and app designs. When the website doesn't perform as well as expected because of content quality, the digital agency is blamed.
When content is outsourced to partners who don't understand digital ecosystems, your agency is not building the high-quality customer experiences your clients need, and you're leaving money on the table.
Consider the Data Differentiator, a program to white-label your agency's own strategic content and production experience.
The Data Differentiator
A year-long program to create a unique, bespoke strategic content development offering from your agency
Offered to a maximum of three agencies during the course of a calendar year, The Data Differentiator is our most high-touch and intensive agency professional development program. Fusing principles from the business side of traditional publishing and performance marketing, this extended program covers both the art and science of making great content for any client.
Leadership and management will receive in-depth coaching, deliverables, templates, and strategies to manage all aspects of digital content, from strategic ideation through execution through algorithmic distribution and performance measurement.
In seven units over twelve months, we'll help your agency navigate and master every area of The Content Technologist's approach. It's a fully customizable program, meaning we'll start with your team's existing strengths and build your offering from there.
After eight to twelve months of The Data Differentiator, you'll:
- Have a white-labeled content strategy offering that’s unique to your agency
- Create a replicable process for incorporating data and measurement into content strategy
- Improve your brand differentiation and marketing materials
- Add 3 new capabilities that your whole agency can execute — not just certain stakeholders with exclusive knowledge
- Learn to evaluate content data and understand content analytics measurement
- Be ready to sell more replicable, profitable, measurable content projects
A customizable curriculum
Developed over a career of working in both publishing and digital media, the Data Differentiator approach bolsters your digital agency's mastery of the theory and practice of creating great content.
Support your clients in reaching more replicable, predictable, positive results in seven distinct stages, all while preserving the heart of your agency's existing strengths.
1. Creating a shared vocabulary
What does your agency actually know about creating successful digital content?
Chances are combined, your agency is unstoppable with its immense digital prowess, but when you’re not working together, knowledge is inconsistently distributed across your team and occasionally at odds with each other. When new hires arrive, they bring even more experiences and vocabularies that may or may not integrate with your processes, and when team members leave they take their knowledge with them.
In this phase, we set a baseline. Through a series of interviews and workshops, we’ll assess your understanding of digital content strategy, data analysis, and digital distribution methodologies—and also understand where you’d like to be in one year’s time.
Together, we’ll create a framework that defines the course of the next few months, as we level up your content approach.
2. Bridging the gap between client and audience
What are your clients’ expectations from content strategy and performance? How are you educating your clients on that approach?
Now that we’ve established an internal baseline within your agency, we’ll look at how you’re conveying your expertise to your clients and educating them on how developing an audience will provide tangible impacts on their business.
In this phase, we’ll transform how you position content strategy in proposals and client projects so they better understand the value you provide – and what your digital content services will bring them in return.
3. Developing your data-driven methodology
How do you currently use data in client research? How are you making decisions based on that data?
During this phase, we’ll decide on the content data tool stack and methodologies that make the most sense for your agency and create processes that incorporate more measurement into your findings, all while helping your team become comfortable with using data to make decisions about content strategy.
4. Cultivating content production processes
What are your processes for scoping and producing content? How do you determine the talent that’s best for the job?
During this phase, we’ll hammer out exactly how you’ll develop and scope your content strategy offering so it’s lucrative and makes sense for your agency. Whether you use in-house or freelance development for content, we’ll identify the best way to incorporate high-quality content production into your processes.
5. Navigating algorithmic distribution
How do you incorporate algorithmic feed and human digital behaviors into your content strategy? During this phase, we’ll dissect what can and can’t be controlled in algorithmic feeds and other methods of online content distribution, then align your client services to best adapt to the always-changing human behaviors and the algorithms that reflect them.
6. Measuring performance and planning iterations
Once the content is out the door, how do you support clients in understanding how what you built is performing across digital channels?
In this phase, we nail down top-notch content measurement methodologies, learn how to set benchmarks, and develop leading reporting strategies to help your team convey content performance to clients.
7. Refining and replicating your strategic processes
Now that you’ve implemented content strategy and measurement services, what’s working and what isn’t?
In the final phase, conducted approximately ten to twelve months after kickoff, we’ll explore what’s worked best for your business and what processes might need improvement. We’ll review any proposals and pitches you’ve won and lost since we’ve begun working together, and we’ll discuss how you’re improving upon iteration—and how your clients might be as well.
During this process, you'll receive maximum access to Deborah Carver and The Content Technologist network, including:
- A half-day workshop each month for 10 months with materials for homework & continued learning outside the workshop
- Up to 40 hours of internal executive and team interviews to ensure we align with existing strengths and processes
- Introductions to vendors and other consultants who best complement the strengths of your agency
- Up to 10 hours of leadership-focused consulting
- Ten hours of miscellaneous additional consulting support throughout for private / small consulting meetings
- Two hours of ask-me-anything availability per month on Slack, email or project management system working in for direct outreach with questions
- An hourly monthly Q&A call to answer questions about materials provided, dive deeper if needed
Interested in trying The Data Differentiator at your agency? Complete the form below, and we'll be in touch within three business days.